June 11, 2010

Romanian culturising for my new british friends

I am pleased to introduce you to my new friends from Great Britain (besides Etta Ermini, that I know from Atelier's last year edition). Meet Teresa, Alex, Etta, and you'll be seeing the other Alex, but in some other pics, because today he couldn't get up form last night's Zen atmosphere :))
This is the crew that is going to perform a dance-theatre show these days in Atelier too. Since they didn't knew much about Romania, me and Mate thought it would be nice to show them around some things they would remember about our country (if they wouldn't have the chance to come back again).

The Ethnographic and Popular Art Museum in Baia Mare is a perfect place to visit when you wanna know more about the Maramures history and not only...So to be short, we all went to the Village Museum (how it's also called) and after a bit of sightseein' we went straight to cool down our bodies with a cold icecream. The hot weather was to much for the british, Etta almost fainted...

We had a lot of fun today...but tonight it's our turn to act...see you there!
Love, Gab~

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