June 16, 2010

Mate's 25 B-Day!

Sooner or later I had to forget the feeling of doing nothing at all ...because the big final master exam, the diquisition how it's called, it's almost here. On the 24th of june, 50 pages of acting study should be written, all printed, ready to be presented in front of the Theatre/TV Faculty committe in Cluj... ahmm...yeah...Till then, I still had to deal with a lot more pleasant things...like Mate 25th B-Day. Since he didn't had planned anything to celebrate it, thinking only to focus entirely on the master exam, I tried to org. smth on the last minute...talked to all the friends I could gather in Cluj, ordered with a friend's help a big chocolate cake, and tried to surprise Mate by taking him to Enigma Cafe, thinking we'll be stayin' just for a quick drink...
Considering the fact everything was instant improvisation, it was a fun evening and Mate really enjoyed it! ...the cake was delicious too... But I know how much friends mean to Mate...and along with a toy present (that I got for him and he worships...) made a memorable birthday celebration. Thank you guys for coming!
Happy B-day Matee!

The cake was special too...actually a "two" candle was missing...so Liza found an original way to solve the "2" issue... :))

In Enigma Cafe, later that evening :)

...didn't forget to show Alex around....after all, Cluj is the only city in Romania I love...
See ya soon, 
Love, Gab~

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