July 25, 2010

...at least 1000 pages to read quest

I did it...
...during summer time I can read a lot more that I am able to during theatre work that cover the rest of the year...so, for this summer, I had in mind (I made a bet with myself) to read at least 1000 book pages. Reading books is another love of mine, it's just a shame I don't have enough time to do it as much as I want it to...
Anywho...these are my 3 books that managed to keep me busy when I wasn't out, visiting places...
"The Beautiful Foreigners" by Mircea Cartarescu,
a modern romanian writer, that I love for his sarchasm and poetry of thoughts.
Then a 4 novel book from the Reader's Digest Collection...wonderful american writers (Howard Roughan, Bernard Cornwell, Stephanie Gertler, Richard Paul Evans) with captivating stories.

And the third one that made me wanna read another book by the same hungarian author,
Jókai Mór, "The Black Diamonds".
...don't just sit around...go read a book!
 Love, Gab~

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