August 6, 2010

back on track!!

Hey, everybody!!!

It's true that I haven't posted smth since...well... :O ...but I am trying as much as I can to enjoy summer...I've been visiting, most of all, my family and relatives...cause only during this season I can see and spend time with the ones I share the same blood. I had to make a deal with myself to read at least 1000 book pages, quest that I am proudly to say I've accomplished already. I'll tell you about these books soon and I'll try to catch up by posting some pics and stuff that I did in the past weeks. Hope you'll enjoy it and I am waiting for comments and thoughts you'll might get while reading this blog.
In a few days I'll be leaving the country for a trip to Belgium, then to UK, where I'm going to stay until the end of august. I don't know yet if I'm gonna be able to post smth during those days, but you'll definitely see the news after I'll get back in september. Plus with the first month of the fall, not only the work at the Theatre will start again, but my brother is going to get married. He's gonna come from Norway to marry his sweetheart in Romania along with all the friends and family who will be able to come and celebrate his union. My mom's crazy already with all sorts of details and she's driving me crazy too...anyhow...I wasn't a big wedding lover till now...but I have to be honest...I don't think I'm gonna be either from now on...It's just at least here, it's like a fuckin' business, or a freakin' way to expose all the wealth one has in front of the others. I hate that. I don't believe in church or religion, but after all a wedding should be a celebration of love, not a pain in the ass. Anyhow...i'm waiting for your opinion on that.
Hey don't forget to enjoy the last month of summer, wear lots of sunscreen, drink water, tell the one next to you you still love him/her and don't mind the so called "important" but stupid people (who, by the way, are a lot)!!!


What do you think?