October 7, 2010

A piece of Parisian history

Stop for a second...and look at these sweet pieces of art...
I've never tried these macaroons... the favourite biscuits of Marie Antoinette.
There is confusion over the origin of these French specialities but any experts believe that
they were invented, together with other delicacies, by maestro Italian bakers who accompanied Catherine de Medici to Paris.
The creation of the Ladurée (the famous macaroons pastry shop) macaroon is linked to Pierre Desfontaines, a cousin of Louis Ernest, who had the bright idea of filling a meringue shell with melted chocolate and cream towards the end of the nineteenth century.
’E voilà!’ the modern-day macaroon.
Often adapted according to art or contemporary culture: maybe decorated in line with a “theme”, drawing inspiration from a film, book or other contemporary phenomenon. A source of infinite delight, an authentic treat.

And they look so amazingly delicious...and those colours drive me mad! I absolutely love all these pics!!!
From chocolate to vanilla and other rather unusual fillings, like rose or mint.
Tomorrow I'll be leaving for Bucharest for 3 days...maybe I'll get to find some macaroons there...I've already spotted a shop where they sell these babies... :)
Keep in touch...

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