December 4, 2010

"One is not born a woman, but becomes one." Simone de Beauvoir

A couple of months ago, I started reading one of the books that Simone de Beauvoir wrote. From 1956 to 1958, she composed the first of a series of autobiographical volumes that covered the course of her life. "Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter" dealt with her childhood and youth to the age of twenty-one (more info here). When I read a book, I usually like to get to know better the writer. In this case, I found out that Simone was a French existentialist philosopher, public intellectual, and social theorist.
And a very peculiar detail is that she's also known for her lifelong polyamorous relationship with Jean-Paul Sartre. Other than that, I really like her style, not to mention I do match with several of her memories, conjectures, feelings...The book has around 400 pages...I only read up to page 150 today. Surely will keep myself busy the next days :)

Talk to you soon! How do you feel about her writing?
:) Enjoy your weekend!

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