April 8, 2009

long time, no see...What I've been up to

Heloo world! so it's been a week since I've last wrote smth on my blog...I've been busy...I had to go in Cluj to attend some master workshops ans solve some problems, then I came back to Baia for some performances (last night I had "Povesti adevarate, complet inventate despre Baia Mare"- it ended up really good, everyone was happy). And I found out yesterday I've been chosen to personify a devil caracther for the next play we are going to work at the theatre... so pretty busy, huh?!
Other than that, I am really happy that, finnaly spring came! Dear God...I've waited so badly for this one to come...here in Baia Mare we had to bear up a hard&long winter. But now, that it's over, I didn't had to wait for a second chance to bring to life my summer clothes...so I just needed some sun and a beautiful narcissus spot!

T-shirt-Mexx, Clutch Gap, Skirt- pretty sille, Bolero-CFL, Boots ZARA, a natural perfect smile :)) and spring flowers! Enjoy!

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