May 5, 2009

longing for the sun...

...the dead end for the play we are working at the theatre is may 17...until that time, I'll be rehearsing every day from 9 p.m. until... well, only the stage director knows... I just took a break to have my yogurt drink, a banana and plenty of water, and I ran into a colegue of mine (form another play) on the theare's halls. I was very happy to see her, especially that we are going to play "The House Of Bernarda Alba" on may 20 (and she's playing my mom :)... she had a gorgeous early tan...and I started to think at the time I'll be taking my sun baths...but only after the 17th of may...

Until that I can only remember my happy last summer at the bulgarian sea..Albena, Bulgaria - summer 2008The Black Bulgarian Sea - summer 2008

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