January 10, 2010

inspiration for the next theatre play we're working on...

Opium: Diary of a Madwoman
Hungary / Germany,Colour, Drama, 108 min., 2007
Director: János Szász  Writer: Csáth Géza
Screenwriter: János Szász, András SzekérCinematographer: Tibor Máthé
Sound/Sound Designer: István Sipos, Manuel Laval, Matthias Schwab
Editor: Anna Kornis
Ulrich Thomsen (Dr.Brenner)
Kirsti Stuboe (Gizella)

House of Fools 
directed by Andrei Konchalovsky
Yuliya Vysotskaya as Zhanna (only the characters I loved most! )
Stanislav Varkki as Ali
Sultan Islamov as Ahmed

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