March 16, 2010

forget about it...'s just one of those periods when the only thing you do it's WORK...
when it comes to acting it's hard to switch off when done working with a stage director, and start all over with a new one...
A thing I love when acting, it's the process of creating a theatre show, the work with other actors and- above all- with the stage director. HE's the leader, he has to have a dream, a story that we, the actors, should help him materialize it...and I experienced on my own skin what happens when he's THERE just because you see him seating on a freakin' chair...and that's all what he does. That's not a stage director for sure...that's the type of "master" that fucks up your brains, energy, will to work, will to create...and so many other things that an artist needs do his job.
I'm lucky I'm listening right now to Al Di Meola, who does a great music that helps me relax and forget all kind of unpleasant memories...
So...what is Gabriela doing these days...besides working on a new theatre play, which, by the way, HAS a Stage Director :)
... craving for the spring to come, it's been snowing for the past 3 days...I had enough of snow and frozen hands (still, I have to admit, I had a half day off from the theatre and we went snowboarding a bit- not mentioning that I still feel every muscle of my an old lady :))...)
... well I'm working on my voice everyday, cause we'll going to sing some really hard to reach notes,
... then we do some exercises to keep our bodies fit
...I'm supporting my Bf, who's trying to quit smoking - so our house is full with tones of snacks :)
...having enough of living in a city that it's full of retarded people, especially when it comes to Public Services ( you'd better wish your death before needing them!)
...rented some movies
....bought a couple of books, that I'm hoping to read soon!
... waiting for a Cluj trip (spring needs)
....waiting for the premiere (at the end of the month) of the movie we did in nov-dec last year
Meanwhile, I try to surround myself with beautiful things, good energy, smiles and happy thoughts.
But I would definitely forget about Romania and fly to Beijing or Paris for a couple of weeks...I just need some time off...don't you?

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