April 4, 2010

Easter Day part 1

The forecast predicted a rainy day...so I wasn't really happy to go outside when I remembered we were invitede to Inna's home for the Easter Day meal. But, surprinsingly enough, when I woke up it was quite sunny. And I do respond well to sun, cause it's all good energy :)
I soon started to lay the table for breakfast with both some gifted goodies and some Easter red painted eggs that I did for the first time all by my self in the last several years. It was fun :) I only painted a few, cause it's no use to make a tone just for 2 people. And eggs are not really my cup of tea anyway...
So, here are some pics with the "papa"- it's "food" in romanian. :)
It's all romanian traditional food cooked for Easter. It's mostly lamb products.
Nice red Easter eggs, huh?

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