November 21, 2010


“A young man with a strange hobby. A couple with two partners who hate each other. A father who no longer stands the family concept and wants to travel around the world. A mother who lost her way in life. A daughter with no friends but with a passion for Egyptology. Another daughter without landmarks, that wants to know how it’s like to have a boyfriend. A young man recently dumped by his girlfriend…During an ordinary evening, these eight characters accidentally meet in a downtown bar and their lives change forever. Under the sight of the "cold baby", the characters live things that happen to regular people: they fell in love, get married, have children, die…trying to answer the child’s question : does it worth “growing a big man” or not?...“The Cold Baby" was written in 2002 by Marius von Mayenburg, one of Europe's most acclaimed contemporary playwrights.

Here we are...the last two months of work, finally came to a conclusion...tonight we'll host the premiere of the theatre show called "The cold kid(child)". Yesterday came with some good and bad mom came to see the performance last night, and I was so glad I had some time to spend with her...last time we've seen each other was in september. And then the bad news...well the PMS showed it's crappy face, and it hurts so bad...I had like 3 strong pain killers yesterday. And this morning, when my mom left at 5.30, the pain just got worst. I just hope I'll be able to play a good show tonight ... it still hurts right now... are 2 pics from a rehearsal...Hope you'll enjoy them, and maybe I'll see you tonight in the audience! You have a great sunday!!!!!!

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