March 25, 2011

2 years of blogging !!!

A couple of years ago, I was thinking should I create a blog or not. And I am glad I did. Because after 2 years of blogging, I'm starting to love more and more this creation. I don't know how much it means to other people, but for me it's an on line diary of  my thoughts, the beautiful things that I liked in a certain period of time, places I've seen and shared, the Theatre work I'm doing, my sorrows ...sometimes. This blog is about beauty, smiles, hope, style, emotions, every little thing is part of who I am. It's time to look back and be grateful...cause life starts today! Here's a recap of these 2 amazing years that passed, in pictures... 
I'll point out some details when needed... Enjoy!
Halloween Party, 2009
movie shootings, 2009
on stage and backstage :)
up - Botanical Garden Oslo, Norway, 2009
down - Ghent, Belgium, 2010
up - the Golden Sands, Varna, Bulgaria
up - Koln, Germany, 2010
down - sipping some cherry beer, Ghent, Belgium
up - Langley School, Norfolk, UK
down - King's College, Cambridge, UK
up - the day my bro got married :)
down - St. Stephandom, Viena, Austria
up - Bruxelles, Belgium
down - the day I turned 25
down - somewhere in Belgium...I can't remember...
up - above Salzburg, Austria... with a snack...obviously... :)
down - one of the theatre plays
up&down - Halloween 2010
up - New Year's Eve 2010-2011
down - theatre work
up&down - with two of the people that I most care, with my man and my sis
up - with my sis, New Year's Eve '11, club party
down - theatre work :)
up - just me, happy cause spring is coming!
Hope you liked the journey!
Love , Gab~


  1. thank you ! You are amazing, and your hair are wonderful !

  2. And I really like the way this (sensuous) bunch of pictures illustrates your 2 years of blogging on the (wild type) mode of fancy creativity Dear !!! "Insolently multi faceted Freshness" . . .

    à Bientôt, Antoine


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