March 5, 2011

almost let go...

Hey everybody! 
Today I was so disappointed with the looks of my blog... The thing is, I tried to make some changes, better ones...and I ended up messing all the I deleted some of the widgets that I loved so much. So here I was, late in the evening trying to get  back all the things (alt least) I had going on on Cinnamon Spiced Art till now. Everything was so wrong, that I almost wanted to give up blogging... But with my sweetheart's help, I managed to find something that I loved...and, step by step, I built the whole blog all over again. Hope you like it! So...I'm not done bloggin' yet! :) I don't really know how many of you do return to my blog, once you've seen it...but at least it's one way to keep my memories in order. Plus, it's also fun to go back in time and see what I was doing or thinking last spring... :)
You would surprise me if you'd tell me what do you think! If not, it's ok... 
Have a wonderful weekend everybody!
Love, Gab~

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