March 6, 2011

Always time for a picnic!

We are definitely one step closer to spring! Almost a week has flown away of march and the sun beams are getting stronger and stronger. The quietness and the light of this beautiful Sunday made me think that I really need to get out and spend some time surrounded by nature and the one I love. A picnic would do that just fine. It's too cold to do that yet, but at least I can prepare and nourish my appetite with this inspirational pics!
The perfect picnic basket in my opinion, sweet, elegant and spacious!
And how about these picnic baskets filled with all kind of goodies?

I love this picnic blanket! 
Or, if your're not so into parks...a picnic back in your own house yard is the perfect choice when it comes to have a snack with ones you love and spend some time out in the nature. But, its has to be in style too! Check out these bench pillows! Just perfect!  Hope I made you wish for spring to come sooner and ... start thinking when your're next picnic it's going to be!
I am sooo ready for spring to come!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Love, Gab~

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