March 8, 2011

Bon appetit!

These are the latest books I bought. This Turkey Guide will be a real help when I'll start learning things about the turkish land and culture. In may, our theatre is invited with a performance at the "Black Sea" Int. Theatre Festival, in Trabzon. So, hope everything it's going to be fine and we'll get there safe. For an entire week I'll soak up new things about a place I've never been before. I'm excited about that. This book will be a real treasure, because wherever I go outside this country, I need to have a guide with the most important things about traditions, people, things to do, to say... I have to be prepared...and it's a matter of respect first of all for the people and for the country you step in for the first time. You can't just land there like a moron and know nothing about it. Good...I think you got the idea... :)))))))
And the above book, well it's a masterpiece when it comes to all kind of sauces! If you love to cook, then you'll definitely appreciate this Sauces dictionary! I know I will! Hope I opened up your appetite for cooking and travelling! Have a good one!
Love , Gab~

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