May 30, 2011

Old Glory Cherry Pie

Just look at it! I mean the pie!! Since last year,  our cherry tree from our garden didn't make any fruits, well, this year it was over saturated with cherries. This was the perfect timing to try my very first pie, an american cherry pie! :D I found the recipe on the net's my best cooking guide (but I also have a lot of cooking books). But when I searched for the looks of it, well when I first saw this Old Glory Cherry Pie ...I fell in love. I knew my pie was going to look like that!
I worked 3 hours to get it wright from scratch...and I'm not kiddin'... But it was worth every minute spent on decorating it! It was delicious! See for yourselves!
The left overs of the blue and red dough asked to be played we did... The ones on the right are Mate's masterpiece.. :D :D :D
After I took it out from the oven...

Happy to see it beautifully done!

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