October 8, 2009

birthday celebration catch up :))

So the day when I could party fo my B-day came...of course I wasn't ready with all the preparations in time, cause we had an afternoon show at the theatre...so I was late when the people started to show up. In the first pic there's Sorin in my kitchen...I'm not sure what he was doing...probably exercising some new acting method or smthing :) while I was desperate to finish all the entrees before the barbeque :)
The good thing about this reunion was probably, in the first place, the weather. It was so warm, unusual for this time of october, that we could hang out in the house yard until midnight. Perfect for having fun doing some bbque.
This is not what it seams! :)) But still...armed and dangerous!
These are the famous romanian "mici". They are a pork meat melange, spiced with different condiments. To be short, they are fabulous done on the bbque! And with beer...you just wish for more! All in all, we had a nice time together, received very nice gifts ( there're going to show up in my blog updates, that's for sure!), but the surprise of the night was the arrival of my sis and her bfriend. I knew that they couldn't come anymore, even if they promised. But they solved some problems and managed to come all the way from Brasov to Baia Mare.
Everything finished with a cheesecake (my american love), of course also made by my own two hands. The people loved it!

So we had the chance to spend some good time and enjoy a party that I desperately needed :)

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