October 9, 2009

the only city I love in Romania.... a bit of Cluj

After all the party guests left, we went to sleep way past midnight. Woke up early in the morning for a short trip to Cluj, had some master issues to solve...after that was done, we spent some time checking out Iulius and Polus Malls...
I always said that if I had a starbucks shop near me, I would start drinking coffee. Even if this time I had a hot tea with milk, I made sure to taste a sip from the table parteners coffee too :)

My sis saw this lake outside Iulius Mall with paddle boats...I couldn't ran away from her eager will to "ride" one of those... so I ended up having my last tea drops relaxed on the back seat of the paddle boat, watching the sunset and the wild ducks swimming while my sis and her bfriend tried to rush them out of the pond.

Not mentioning some shopping I did and my bfriend did for me :) Nice day!

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