April 30, 2011

another vibe...

Before heading back to BM, we made a lil' stop to have some fun in Brasov. You already have to know is one of the best Romanian city... Check out the pics I took from ou hotel :)
It was a freakin' nightmare to find some space in the parking lot in front of the hotel...
The main reason we came to Brasov, was an international aerobic convention held at some hotel in Poiana Brasov. We went to check it out and I was surprised to notice I haven't seen people so passionate about what they are doing, for...far to much time. I've seen people smiling and willing to move and have fun at the same time....Then...I must of been cruising the wrong circles... :(

Anyways...the moments spent there filled me with a considerable energy pack. :) Then, we ended up at the Opera....well...Cristi wanted to visit some old friends of his, so we all took part of 20 min of opera show :)..I must say I ate one of the delicious tarts in the world during the break...I have to put my hands on the recipe...!!!  
 ...and the nigh was about to start...

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