April 30, 2011

camping attempt

We woke up around 11 o'clock...then the phone rang...It was my mom, asking us if we would like to join her and dad at a potato stew nature cooked ...I said "Hell, yeah!" It's just one of those things that you love and recall from your childhood memories...and you can'st say NO to these ones. So we went after Roxi (ma sis) and Doll (za dog) and off we went to have lunch. Everything was perfect. By the time we got there, mom finished cooking...so the food was waiting for us...The stew, completed with a salad...was unbelievable delicious! And I'm not exaggerating just because my mom made it...it was really good! Take a look!
Strawberries as desert :)
...and a bit of show from the notorious clowns of the family :)))
My parents were prepared to camp there over night...but in the end they changed their minds... anyways..great afternoon!
Hope you're having a great time! Love, Gab~

1 comment:

  1. That food make me hungrey!!! I just saw your blog on Nelly's blog!! Nice to meet you!!! Lovely blog!!


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