November 24, 2011 early for the Christmas spirit...?

The weather is getting colder...the only thing I want to do is stay indoors, with a good book, a hot choco cup, or a watching a theme the ones I just saw...
 yeah, to be honest, I can't wait for Christmas to come! :)

Let the winter come! :)

November 22, 2011

show time

I like playing with colours...and the theatre pictures of my characters ar perfect to do that. It's fun to see how you would have looked in a past era. Check out the pics below...I'd probably never dye my hair fact, I'm against dying my hair at all. I'm trying to keep it as natural and as healthy I can. A wig will do on stage or on Holloween. :) 
:) Love, Gab~

November 19, 2011

it's black...

I'll always love animals....especially the closest ones to the human beings, as cats and dogs. The balck cat in the pic, is just a friendly neighborhood visitor that we started feeding for a couple of days now. It's just sweet and it has an interesting habit with it's front paws. He's so cute! :)

:) Love, Gab~

November 7, 2011

Foxy Lady

More pictures from theatre shows...cause, to be honest, theatre represents more than 50 % of my life. This is the Foxy that I'm playing in a theatre show called "Once upon a time in...America". I have a lot of fun during this performance. It's mostly made for kids, but any adult will enjoy it also. Not to mention we have cute outfits and funny face paintings. I love to do (as you already might know) my own make up, so this is just another great way to paint. Enjoy the pics, see ya soon!
:) See you @theatre!

November 6, 2011


             A new hobby of my bf is (and will be for a while) the airsoft everything. I'm not gonna get in to it to much. It's just a guy thing that makes him happy. They're still kids, just with bigger guns, right? :))
I love waiting for my man at home with a steamy dinner, as well as I do love to feed the dear ones in my life.
           So, while he went to meet "the boyz" this afternoon, I had a litlle bit of free time to make a quiche and his fave chicken soup. There's nothing more rewarding that the look on his face when he gets back at home starving, and he sees the meal waiting for him on the kitchen's table. :) What more can I say? :)

November 5, 2011

autumn finales...

Right in between theatre rehearsals, me and my colleagues took a Sunday off and went to a holiday home of a friend for a late autumn gulash. It was a nice time hanging out with some dear friends, the weather wasn't too bad so we had a great evening surrounded by trees with ripped apples and golden leaves. No strings attached, just pure nature.